Sendhil not smitten by Deepika Padukone


Heroes star Sendhil Ramamurthy isn’t amused with his “latest crush” talk in the Indian media. Some time back, tabloids and TV channels went all out to suggest that Sendhil has a crush on Deepika Padukone. But the US-based actor terms such reports as “rumours.” Sendhil says, “I have seen pictures of her and she is indeed a very beautiful woman, but tabloids make stuff up in order to sell their products.” Also, it was reported that he had asked director Gurinder Chadha to extend a personal invite of the screening of his film, It’s A Wonderful Afterlife, on his behalf to Deepika.

Although Sendhil rubbishes such talks, he is game to work with her in movies. “I haven’t seen any of her films but have heard she is very good from people whose opinion I respect. If the opportunity came along to work together, I would be up for it,” he says. Talking of Bollywood, Sendhil, who is impressed with Ashutosh Gowariker’s films, says he hasn’t “watched a lot of Bollywood films lately.” He adds: “I watched 3 Idiots and thought it was a fun film.

I also watched Jodhaa Akbar and enjoyed it a lot. Ashutosh (Gowariker) is someone I’d like to work with,” he says. Ask Sendhil if he is ready to do dubbed films in India like several NRIs such as Katrina Kaif and he shoots back: “I would never do a dubbed film. For me, a large part of any performance is the actor’s voice and intention behind the words he is speaking.” And while his TV show Heroes was cancelled last year, Sendhil is busy filming a new series called Covert Affairs in Canada right now. “I play a CIA agent on the show,” he says.

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